My ProgramI operate a pre-school based program in which I offer age-appropriate toys, games and activities both indoors and out. I have a large child friendly fenced back yard with lots of things to do. Arts and crafts, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, stories, etc, are all included. More games,toys and theme kits are available for me through Resource and Referral. I like to focus on the ones which have educational value.I provide two nutritional snacks per day, following the national healthy food guide lines.
I like to do seasonal crafts with the children, whether it be Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving or Halloween. I'm always prepared with plenty of craft materials available. The internet is a great place to get craft ideas. I've also got plenty of books with great craft ideas. Working on the alphabet and numbers are all part of my circle time with the children.

We have a large child friendly play area to keep the kids active.